Salud y Energía
los Cinco Elementos

Asociación Civil

Help us help

join and be part of the big family supporting communities, there are several ways to participate.

Financial Donor

Your contribution makes a big difference in many communities in our Mexico

Health Advisor

Collaborate in our health campaigns, your knowledge is invaluable and of great importance.

Donor in kind

Your in-kind contributions go directly to programs that meet different needs.


With your help and through you we carry the message of the achievements made in the communities.


Join our team of volunteers, the satisfaction of helping others is great.

Strategic Ally​

The services you provide are oxygen for programs that benefit several communities.​




% Without access
to health




% Without services
in housing

Donate with confidence and know our guarantees

National Donor Title / Issuance of Receipts of Tax Deductible Donations.

International Donor Title / Issuance of Receipts of Tax Deductible Donations abroad.

Unique Registration Key to the Information Registry of the Federal CSO Registry (CLUNI).

Positive opinion letter issued by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.


Diverse strategic allies.

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Get to know our different programs and join the satisfaction of helping

Health and Nutrition

May the basis of our food for economic issues, tortillas for everyone is not lacking in families.

Civil Protection

A fire station in the Las Vigas area that helps preserve the forest and respond to emergencies.


Training Center for Professional Operators.
We seek to train viable candidates in the operation of freight trucking to combat unemployment that brings with it health problems.

Mobile Clinic

The possibility of having basic emergency care and transfer to a hospital make a difference.

Be a strategic ally

"For me it is an honor and a privilege to know me part of SYELCE, we know that it is a great platform to help, give and serve those who need help, support, even guidance or mood."
Diego Alonso Barbosa de León
"It is an honor to contribute and unite intentions of service and love for humanity with Syelce AC. The planet requires vibrating in Unconditional Love, Light and that can be achieved if each human being manages to awaken their highest expression of love."
Shanti Ekanta

Our Team

Health and Energy Board of Directors the Five Elements A.C.

"There is no greater light in life than the power to provide health and hope for the benefit of others."

Join this great effort in favor of those who really need it, join as a donor or as a volunteer.